The Firewalk!!!!

Last Saturday I attended a conferance organised by SHRM and MTHR Global where i got an opprtunity to walk on fire. Surprised???? i really did.

The speaker was PRIYA KUMAR, one of the most impressive motivational speaker I have ever come across. Before we went 4 the firewalk, she laid some basic rules:
1) Everyone has to walk. No one could chicken out.
1) There is no coming back once you place your foot on the walk
2)Do not try to jump out of the path since both the sides would be set ablaze. ;)

Interesting, Isn't it?
This was enough to raise our pulse rate. There was fear as well anxiety.Finally it was my turn to walk. With a lot of courage I took a deep breath and put my 1st foot forward and quickly walked across. It got over too soon I guess as it dint hurt much. But still I failed to understand the motive behind it.Once we went back to the hall, Priya cleared all doubts.

- In life we do not try a number of things because we have this fear of failing. At times we are faced with problems but we leave them unsloved thinking there is no way out. But in the end, it is all about courage, COURAGE TO TAKE THE FIRST STEP!Once that is done, half the problem is already solved.

- Even if you get stuck somewhere, going back is impossible. Dont think of leaving the path mid way by taking another path (this was the reason the sides were set ablaze). Be a fighter and if the problem is unbearable, walk even faster but KEEP WALKING, till you recah the end.

This was a lesson well learnt. Thanks to Priya.:)


  1. Lots of lessons to learn from everyday life.. Best Wishes to you

  2. tis true?god bless d people with all tht courage n specially u -d bravest of all.


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